May 14, 2011 ~ Seattle, WA ~

Welcome to the wedding webpage of Richard Chung & Holly Li. Here you will find the latest details for our wedding!

Guest Info


Hotel rooms have been reserved for our wedding guests at the Sheraton Seattle, at a special rate of $139/night.  For details on how to reserve such a room, click here.


Both the ceremony and reception are formal dress.

Gift Registries

We thank our guests for their generosity, but due to limited space and security, enveloped gifts are preferred. Find more about our gift registry here.

What is there to do in Seattle?

There is plenty to do in Seattle.

What is the weather like in Seattle?

Typical Seattle weather in May is a high of 18°C/64°F and a low of 8°C/47°F with an average of 13°C/56°F.  Relative humidity is 84% in the morning and 58% in the afternoon.  There is an average of 1.8 inches of rain in May, with approximately 7 clear days, 10 partly cloudy days, and 14 cloudy days.


For any further inquiries that aren't answered here, please feel free to e-mail us at HollyRich514 "@" and we will address them as soon as possible.  Thanks!