May 14, 2011 ~ Seattle, WA ~

Welcome to the wedding webpage of Richard Chung & Holly Li. Here you will find the latest details for our wedding!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Two Months!

Wow, there are less than two months to go before our wedding! Holly and I are pretty busy getting things crossed off the to-do list, and yet, there is still so much left to do.

A reminder to those that need to book hotel rooms: The hotel room block we've made expires on April 13 (less than one month away), so make sure to reserve your rooms early. You can either book using the link online, or by calling the hotel directly. Make sure to reference the "Chung/Li Wedding Block" or else you won't get our rate (of $139/night). If you have not gotten a confirmation e-mail, you have not fully made a reservation yet. If you experience any problems doing this, please e-mail us to let us know (some guests were having issues earlier, but hopefully that has been resolved) and we will get it fixed immediately.

Please also remember to RSVP using the link above. This is the easiest way for us to keep track of how many guests we have, and what your dietary requirements are.

- Rich