May 14, 2011 ~ Seattle, WA ~

Welcome to the wedding webpage of Richard Chung & Holly Li. Here you will find the latest details for our wedding!


Répondez, s'il vous plaît!   We invite our guests that have been sent formal invitations to RSVP to our wedding by using this online form.

Fields below that are marked with asterisks (*) are required.

Name: *

E-mail: *

Phone Number:

Number of Adults attending: *

Number of Children attending:
Select the number of children that require a children's meal.

Full Names of Attendees (First and Last Names): *

Dietary Restrictions or Food Allergies:
For example: shellfish allergies, peanut allergies, vegetarian, vegan, etc.

Will you and your party be attending the Wedding Ceremony? *

Will you and your party be attending the Wedding Reception? *

If needed, please elaborate on the above, or ask questions here and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thanks for RSVP'ing! Merci pour votre réponse!